A rare view of England under the snow
Old town hall, King's Lynn
Captain George Vancouver's statue in King's Lynn
The Tudor House in King's Lynn
Fishing was once important in King's Lynn
Coastal town of Hunstanton
Hunstanton Beach in Norfolk
Hunstanton lighthouse
Ruins of Castle Rising
Castle Rising
Spring is here
Castle Rising
Nature's wonders at Castle Rising
Cambridge - a college
Cambridge - Darwin studied here
Cambridge boating
Cambridge -Christ's College, Dining Hall
Cambridge -University
London, British Museum courtyard
London, British Museum, pharaoh
London, British Museum
London, Canada Tower in Canary Wharf
London, Canary Wharf underground station cupola
London, Canary Wharf, a new financial district
London, City Hall and The Shard
London, Docklands
London, Iconic Big Ben
London, Kaplický's footbridge in Canary Wharf
London, M&M's Palace in Leicester Square
London, new blocks of flats
London, old and new
London, one of the modern residential disctricts
London, Riding the Docklands Light Railway
London, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben
London, the tallest skyscraper in the EU - The Shard
London, The Tower and the City
London, The Tube
London, Westminster Bridge, Millennium Wheel in the backbround
London, where the Queen is at home