:: Návštěva partnerské školy v King´s Lynn 2 (12.03.2025 - 12:25)

Návštěva partnerské školy v King´s Lynn 2

Teachers, getting instructions

Teachers, getting instructions

Photo session for the local newspaper

Photo session for the local newspaper

Teachers, giving instructions to students

Teachers, giving instructions to students

Team UK-Italy-CR

Team UK-Italy-CR

Team UK-Italy-Spain

Team UK-Italy-Spain

Team UK-Spain-CR

Team UK-Spain-CR

Teachers at Christ's College, Cambridge

Teachers at Christ's College, Cambridge

A quiet moment in the middle of a hectic day

A quiet moment in the middle of a hectic day

Let's quit teaching and join the Queen's Guard!

Let's quit teaching and join the Queen's Guard!

Cambridge train station

Cambridge train station

An afternoon tea

An afternoon tea

An evening photo session on Westminster Bridge

An evening photo session on Westminster Bridge

At a majestic tree by Castle Rising

At a majestic tree by Castle Rising

At the Tower Bridge

At the Tower Bridge

At the Tower

At the Tower

Classroom rules

Classroom rules

Czech-Spanish team

Czech-Spanish team

Dining Hall, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Dining Hall, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Fish and chip lunch at the seaside

Fish and chip lunch at the seaside

Friends forever!

Friends forever!

International team of teachers

International team of teachers

Last night party at a bowling alley

Last night party at a bowling alley

Preparing presentations

Preparing presentations

Presentation 1, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Presentation 1, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Presentation 2, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Presentation 2, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Presentation 3, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Presentation 3, College of West Anglia, King's Lynn

Say cheeeeeeeeeese!

Say cheeeeeeeeeese!